McKesson Cork and
NorthStar Healthcare
Every Christmas, McKesson & NorthStar work with St. Vincent de Paul for the annual ‘Giving Tree’ event and this year was no exception. Gifts of all shapes and sizes were generously donated to this extremely worthy cause. We received tags for fifty boys and fifty girls, with names and ages on each. In total, 100 gifts were donated by our employees including footballs, Thomas the Tank Engine, Barbie dolls and Lego, to name but a few.
As well as the Giving Tree, this year we decided to increase our involvement with the local community and support SVP through Christmas hamper packing on 28th November in the SVP warehouse in North Point Business Park. Sixteen employees generously volunteered their time to pack food hampers that were delivered to families in need in Cork. Through our CSR engagement project, we were able to contribute to the packing of over 2,400 hampers.
We look forward to developing our partnership with SVP in 2018 and beyond.
We were privileged to be involved in such a rewarding and worthwhile event. It brought home the realisation of how fortunate we are in our own lives. It further reinforces our beliefs that sharing compassion, care, support and respect for those less fortunate is a positive contribution towards society.
The ‘Thank You’ card from SVP acknowledges our contribution:
“As a friend of SVP, your support this Christmas means so much to us all. Now, there is food, fuel and toys under the tree. We wish you a merry Christmas from every family.”