McKesson Cork and
NorthStar Healthcare
That is what a group of McKesson / NorthStar colleagues did, with other groups, at separate locations around Cork; other people did it around the globe as a community of thousands walking together, on Saturday morning, May 12th 2018.
The “Darkness into Light” walk is an event to support Pieta House, a charity to help and support those who are in a dark place mentally, to get back to a positive life.
The symbolisation of the walk starting in Darkness and ending in Daybreak is not lost on those who take part, seeing the simplicity of the Sun rise while on the walk, is uplifting in a way that cannot be explained.
Thousands of people walking together into the light has an emotional impact on the individual. Signs that said Hope, Talk, Listen, giving support along a route lit by candles.
Everyone knows someone affected by suicide – family, a colleague, a friend, school mates, a neighbour. To see people walking, holding pictures of loved ones they lost is extremely sad. However, walking beside them in a community of support is good for all.
This is an issue no one of us is immune to. Let’s look out and support one another
Let’s work together to bring mental health into the light, a normal issue to have a conversation about.
Everyone who took part felt a sense of something bigger and recommend more people take part.
It is OK not to be OK.