McKesson Cork and
NorthStar Healthcare
Between our two very different (yet related) healthcare businesses co-located at the McKesson campus in Cork (NorthStar Healthcare and McKesson Cork), we have a community of people who are diverse, but willing to reach out together to help those people less fortunate than themselves. As McKesson employees, all of us together share a common set of values which are simply described as “I Care”.
Because of our work decorating a sheltered home for senior citizens, someone who currently lives on their own will now be moved into a protected community, with 24/7 security and the services, supports and facilities they need to live a comfortable and independent life, with their own possessions around them.
Westgate Foundation provides a sheltered housing community with a communal centre for daily social activities to be enjoyed. Westgate supplies dinners, deliver meals-on-wheels, provides counselling services and sessions in aromatherapy and other varied medical supports.
Can you put a value on this? I don’t know if it’s possible.
It took two hours from our working day, and I know people will catch up on the tasks at hand back in the office. I am very proud to be a member of a fantastic team that will work together to make that vital difference in someone’s life.
The feedback from staff who volunteered was overwhelming positive. All of us got a sense of being part of something that is not career oriented, but valuable in other ways. Making a contribution that will have a powerful effect on someone’s life is something that we can all be proud of. It is, in a real sense, a hands-on example of our living “I Care” values.
Our mission as McKesson is “enabling better health”. Our volunteering work at Westgate was just that – enabling better health in the community in which we live. Well done to everyone who took part, getting the hands dirty, smiling when doing it, knowing this is not just a painting job but a way to make someone’s life better.
Westgate Foundation thanks the staff of McKesson Northstar Healthcare
This week Westgate Foundation benefitted from 16 members of staff from McKesson Northstar coming on site to Westgate to assist us with painting work on our Sheltered Housing facility…and very generously covering all of the costs for us!
This is tremendous support for us. It’s of great practical value to get work like this done and also its hugely affirmative for us to know that there are corporate companies who recognise and value the work that we are doing in our local community, and who want to help us to ensure that older people have the services, facilities and supports that they need to enjoy life within their own community.
Our logo is an open gate which symbolises welcoming people in from the outside who are willing to bring their talent, generosity and goodwill to Westgate. That’s what the staff of McKesson NorthStar did here this week and we are so appreciative to them and very much enjoyed meeting them while they were here.
It’s a tribute to the company and their staff and management team members that they are so willing to give to local communities on work time and it’s really heartening for us here in Westgate Foundation to know that we have allies and supporters in the corporate field.
Well done and a very big thank you to you all !
Julie Murphy
Westgate Foundation